Friday, 20 May 2011

Ambitious plans for coming year

On Thursday 19th May I presented the programme for the year to the annual  council meeting - which endorsed it. Here is a precis of what I said courtesy of the council's highly efficient marketing department.

* Time to look back on achievements of last 12 months and forward to our plans for next 12 months

* This time last year full council voted on a programme for the year based upon what we had successfully put to the electorate

* Much progress in implementing this programme

* Planning Forums - been approved will be used for all larger planning applications from now on

* Equalities Charter - accepted by all major partners in borough, public sign up at town conference in September

* Additional tough licensing of houses in multiple occupation - out for consultation goes to June cabinet

* CPO empty homes - working through first five, preparing next list

* Anti-poverty strategy - goes to September cabinet

* Culture of openness - all chief officer salaries and member allowances on website

* Take cultural activity into the community - 8ft sq project out there now

* Extend promenade cycle route - our element will happen in July

* Improve leisure facilities - £750 000 invested to improve Summerfields

* As council we met our 10:10 carbon reduction target

* Not met every target - local contracts will now become area management plans and we failed to retain the highways agreement, which was taken from us by ESCC

* Most prominent recent success - we been active partners with HPWRT in their HLF bid. We spent £700 000 on Pier and the CPO process will now really move forward; we have committed a further £250 000 from HBC towards the funding HPWRT have to find

* Pier not just important for itself but for realising seafront strategy, there is huge potential of Stade/Jerwood/Pier in improving our seafront offer

* We hope that a business may be going into White Rock Baths next few months

* We will review our regeneration action plan

* Maintain the regeneration company and its programme despite no longer receiving government funding

* FLAG - up to £1.2m to support our fishing industry

* Review how we market Hastings as visitor and business location

* Go for world heritage site for the Old Town

* We have a housing action plan

* Local Space with initial £2m to buy, refurbish & manage properties in Central St Leonards

* We will invest £1m to act as guarantor on mortgage deposits for first time buyers who otherwise couldn't raise the sum needed

* Working with Amicus the Malvern pub and shops will be acquired for major housing redevelopment

* We will reinvigorate our environmental action plan

* Take recycling campaign into areas that lagging behind - starting in Tile Barn area of Hollington

* Consult on new methods of collection in black bag areas as prelude to joint waste contract

* Campaign against dog fouling will include a responsible owners campaign starting in Alexandra Park

* Grotbusters will hit their 500th building improved

* We have an equalities action plan to include publication of an access guide to hotels, shops, cafes etc

* All this and rest of corporate plan in context severe financial constraints, with almost 50% being cut from our Government grant over the next three years

* Be hard-pressed to find another council of our size with a bigger work programme

* Despite all financial pressures we remain ambitious and optimistic

Ambitious plans for coming 12 months

On Thursday 19th May I presented the programme for the year to the annual council meeting - which endorsed it. Here is a precis of what I said courtesy of the council's highly efficient marketing department.

* Time to look back on achievements of last 12 months and forward to our plans for next 12 months

* This time last year full council voted on a programme for the year based upon what we had successfully put to the electorate

* Much progress in implementing this programme

* Planning Forums - been approved will be used for all larger planning applications from now on

* Equalities Charter - accepted by all major partners in borough, public sign up at town conference in September

* Additional tough licensing of houses in multiple occupation - out for consultation goes to June cabinet

* CPO empty homes - working through first five, preparing next list

* Anti-poverty strategy - goes to September cabinet

* Culture of openness - all chief officer salaries and member allowances on website

* Take cultural activity into the community - 8ft sq project out there now

* Extend promenade cycle route - our element will happen in July

* Improve leisure facilities - £750 000 invested to improve Summerfields

* As council we met our 10:10 carbon reduction target

* Not met every target - local contracts will now become area management plans and we failed to retain the highways agreement, which was taken from us by ESCC

* Most prominent recent success - we been active partners with HPWRT in their HLF bid. We spent £700 000 on Pier and the CPO process will now really move forward; we have committed a further £250 000 from HBC towards the funding HPWRT have to find

* Pier not just important for itself but for realising seafront strategy, there is huge potential of Stade/Jerwood/Pier in improving our seafront offer

* We hope that a business may be going into White Rock Baths next few months

* We will review our regeneration action plan

* Maintain the regeneration company and its programme despite no longer receiving government funding

* FLAG - up to £1.2m to support our fishing industry

* Review how we market Hastings as visitor and business location

* Go for world heritage site for the Old Town

* We have a housing action plan

* Local Space with initial £2m to buy, refurbish & manage properties in Central St Leonards

* We will invest £1m to act as guarantor on mortgage deposits for first time buyers who otherwise couldn't raise the sum needed

* Working with Amicus the Malvern pub and shops will be acquired for major housing redevelopment

* We will reinvigorate our environmental action plan

* Take recycling campaign into areas that lagging behind - starting in Tile Barn area of Hollington

* Consult on new methods of collection in black bag areas as prelude to joint waste contract

* Campaign against dog fouling will include a responsible owners campaign starting in Alexandra Park

* Grotbusters will hit their 500th building improved

* We have an equalities action plan to include publication of an access guide to hotels, shops, cafes etc

* All this and rest of corporate plan in context severe financial constraints, with almost 50% being cut from our Government grant over the next three years

* Be hard-pressed to find another council of our size with a bigger work programme

* Despite all financial pressures we remain ambitious and optimistic

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Save our Pier

The night of the fire - the Pier can rise from the ashes
So the Heritage Lottery Fund has backed the rescue of Hastings Pier. That’s great news for the town and a huge tribute to the campaigners in the Hastings Pier and White Rock Trust who have put some much time and effort into this.

Now of course the really hard but potentially very exciting work starts.

HLF have awarded £375,000 to the Trust as the down payment on the full £8.75 million that was asked for. But the Trust is expected to use the £375,000 to build up a sustainable business plan and a totally convincing project that will then unlock the full award.

So there has to be a financially convincing plan drawn up to show how the Pier can be managed and maintained in the long-term. There has to be a clear indication that businesses will decide to operate on the Pier to create the income that will pay for the long-term maintenance.

There has to be a detailed design for what will now be built on top of the listed sub-structure and this has to receive its planning and listed building permission.

Perhaps even more challenging than all this – the Pier Trust has to raise 10% of the £8.75 million itself. Hastings has to show it really does want the Pier restored by raising £875,000.

The council has earmarked £250,000 as part of this match-funding but there will need to be a lot of sponsored planks to raise the rest. It really is up to local people to do their bit.

The council has actually spent around £700,000 in all on the Pier – clearing the debris and the most dangerous bits of metal and wood after the fire, paying for the architects to prepare the new plans and securing the most vulnerable middle section so there isn’t a collapse before the HLF money can start being spent.

And of course the council has agreed to compulsorily purchase the structure and then to pass its ownership on to the Pier Trust.

There are still risks and pitfalls. There are certainly still big challenges but the HLF’s decision is the best news we could have hoped for and makes the rescue of Hastings Pier a real possibility.