Friday, 20 May 2011

Ambitious plans for coming 12 months

On Thursday 19th May I presented the programme for the year to the annual council meeting - which endorsed it. Here is a precis of what I said courtesy of the council's highly efficient marketing department.

* Time to look back on achievements of last 12 months and forward to our plans for next 12 months

* This time last year full council voted on a programme for the year based upon what we had successfully put to the electorate

* Much progress in implementing this programme

* Planning Forums - been approved will be used for all larger planning applications from now on

* Equalities Charter - accepted by all major partners in borough, public sign up at town conference in September

* Additional tough licensing of houses in multiple occupation - out for consultation goes to June cabinet

* CPO empty homes - working through first five, preparing next list

* Anti-poverty strategy - goes to September cabinet

* Culture of openness - all chief officer salaries and member allowances on website

* Take cultural activity into the community - 8ft sq project out there now

* Extend promenade cycle route - our element will happen in July

* Improve leisure facilities - £750 000 invested to improve Summerfields

* As council we met our 10:10 carbon reduction target

* Not met every target - local contracts will now become area management plans and we failed to retain the highways agreement, which was taken from us by ESCC

* Most prominent recent success - we been active partners with HPWRT in their HLF bid. We spent £700 000 on Pier and the CPO process will now really move forward; we have committed a further £250 000 from HBC towards the funding HPWRT have to find

* Pier not just important for itself but for realising seafront strategy, there is huge potential of Stade/Jerwood/Pier in improving our seafront offer

* We hope that a business may be going into White Rock Baths next few months

* We will review our regeneration action plan

* Maintain the regeneration company and its programme despite no longer receiving government funding

* FLAG - up to £1.2m to support our fishing industry

* Review how we market Hastings as visitor and business location

* Go for world heritage site for the Old Town

* We have a housing action plan

* Local Space with initial £2m to buy, refurbish & manage properties in Central St Leonards

* We will invest £1m to act as guarantor on mortgage deposits for first time buyers who otherwise couldn't raise the sum needed

* Working with Amicus the Malvern pub and shops will be acquired for major housing redevelopment

* We will reinvigorate our environmental action plan

* Take recycling campaign into areas that lagging behind - starting in Tile Barn area of Hollington

* Consult on new methods of collection in black bag areas as prelude to joint waste contract

* Campaign against dog fouling will include a responsible owners campaign starting in Alexandra Park

* Grotbusters will hit their 500th building improved

* We have an equalities action plan to include publication of an access guide to hotels, shops, cafes etc

* All this and rest of corporate plan in context severe financial constraints, with almost 50% being cut from our Government grant over the next three years

* Be hard-pressed to find another council of our size with a bigger work programme

* Despite all financial pressures we remain ambitious and optimistic